- Miranda took part at IFAT 2018 which took place in Munich, GERMANY between the 14th of May and 18th of May, 2018.
- Miami Water Expo 2017 Miranda took part at the Miami Water Expo 2017
- SWEF 2017 We took part at the SWEF 2017 exhibition in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- IFAT 2016 Miranda took part at IFAT 2016, world’s leading trade fair for environmental technologies, which took place in Munich, Germany from 30th May to 3rd June, 2016.
- WEFTEC 2015 We took part at the WEFTEC 2015 exhibition.
- Expo 2016 Antalya History, Bio-Diversity, Sustainability and Green Cities make up the four subthemes of
- EXPO 2016 Antalya. EXPO 2016 Antalya, which hosted national and international congresses, panels, meetings and seminars were held, were also provided cultural and artistic activities for its guests.
- EXPO 2016 Antalya was held on a 112-hectare exhibit site in Aksu.
- We took part at the Algiers Batimatec Construction Technology exhibition