Converting Wastewater Into Reusable Recycled Water In Many Islands And Resorts.
Miranda’s Miracell Wastewater Treatment System due to its unique modular design and patented features is applied in multiple resort and community locations in Maldives islands. It’s durable GRP (glass reinforced polyester) body with minimized steel parts which are supplied in stainless steel. This product is durable especially in Island applications where equipment is under continues exposure to intense sun, high salt content in the air and humidity which constantly wash the body of the product during its regular operation.
Considering the requirements from a sewage treatment system which has to operate 24 hours a day and 365 day a year, this is a significant demand for any equipment. Light construction because of the materials used and the unique patented features once again makes Miracell a winner in Maldives islands where sewage water generated by the communities have to be treated and safely reused or discharged without any harm to the environment. Miracell performs this duty by providing resident communities with useful and low cost secondary water for irrigation, washing the grounds and construction projects.
Not only in Maldives islands, Miracell is also applied successfully in many island locations around the world such as Fiji, Mauritius, Caribbean, Seychelles islands along with Aegean and Island implementations in Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
In the pictures below such island implementations can be viewed where once sewage water becomes recycled/reusable water contributing to the communities’ health, daily use, economy (Low cost water for community projects as well as irrigation of the landscape and organic vegetable growth).

Miranda is proud of its contribution to the sensitive environment and ecological sustainability of Maldives islands…